作者:Jonah Grinkewitz

特雷弗·劳, studying Spanish was more than an opportunity to learn a new language - it was a chance to connect with family. 在聚会, he noticed a natural divide between his relatives from Puerto Rico and those living in the U.S.

“这是私人恩怨,”他说. "And I fell in love with the culture, the art and the rhythm of the language."

Law's desire to connect with people extends past his own family. As an international business major with a minor in Spanish and Arabic, he hopes to meet people from across backgrounds and cultures after he graduates.

"My ultimate goal is to work in a multicultural environment of creating something new,他说. "That could be developing business plans with people from different countries or consulting with a foreign business to bring them into the U.S."

劳把这归功于他的全球通信课程, 李·斯莱特教授, as an experience that helped shape his direction. 在那堂课上, he worked with students from other countries to develop a business plan for an actual company looking to expand abroad.

"I've been fortunate enough in her class to have the experience of working with kids from all over the globe,他说. “可能会有压力, but every lecture she would walk us through techniques for communicating in a multicultural environment."

"Trevor is a phenomenal relationship-builder and problem solver," Slater said. "I am confident that in the future he will be an asset to any international corporation because of his natural and finely tuned global communication skills."

Law grew up in Virginia Beach and his dad also graduated from ODU. 小时候,他去看了很多ODU的篮球比赛.

Even though the University was familiar to him, he enjoyed exploring a new city as a student.

"I love Norfolk and I've met some of the most amazing people here," Law said.

探索是他的天性. 在ODU留学办公室的帮助下, Law spent a semester at Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, 2019年的西班牙.

"I loved every second of it and ever since I left, I've been trying to figure out a way to get back,他说.

Law wants to get his Master's of Science in global management at a university in Europe - hopefully Spain. He is studying for his 研究生 Management 入学 Test (GMAT) and plans to apply for CEMS - a global alliance of leading business schools - this fall.

“作为语言和文化教授, we can only hope that our students will use their skills after they graduate,玛莎·达斯说, chair of world languages and cultures and associate professor of Spanish. "We try so hard to show the students (and the rest of the University) how relevant and incredibly important it is to study different languages and cultures. I didn't even have to make the hard sell to Trevor - he instinctively knew how important these skills were for his degree and he worked diligently to perfect both Spanish and Arabic."

Law admits that Arabic did not come as easy as Spanish, but he wanted to explore a language and culture that is underrepresented in the U.S.

"It was more difficult because it was an entirely new language system, 但也很值得,他说.

Shadi Bayadsy, ODU的阿拉伯语讲师, said Law had a curiosity that is important for language learners.

"He takes risks and is not afraid to try something new and make mistakes in front of his peers,巴亚德西说. "He is very eager to learn about the culture and the people who speak the language."

Law believes finding common ground between cultures is valuable, especially in times of conflict.

"I think when you start finding even small similarities or seeing the different ways people live, 他们不再成为这个模糊的“他者”,’”他说。. "It's not condoning any actions; it's just understanding that people are still people and they are not just the 'enemy.'"


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